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Post operative instructions for: Stapedectomy/Middle Ear Surgery. Activity: Keep water out of the ear for as long as your surgeon has directed. In the immediate post-operative period, you may experience some vertigo, nausea or vomiting. It is therefore preferable to stick to a liquid diet or a light STAPEDECTOMY. Instructions after Surgery. 1. After surgery the ear will have only a cotton ball in the ear canal that should be. A stapedectomy (say "stay-puh-DEK-tuh-mee") is surgery to remove a small bone Call your doctor or nurse call line now or seek immediate medical care if:. (Middle Ear Exploration/Stapedectomy). Postoperative instructions. •. After surgery, if you have a head dressing, remove it on the second post operative. Discharge Instructions – Stapedectomy No swimming until after 1st postoperative visit and told that drum is healed. for Immediate assistance call:. Stapedotomy. What to Expect After Surgery. • Diet: In the immediate post-operative period, you may Post-operative Care Instructions.Postoperative Care Instructions for Stapedectomy surgery or as instructed by your surgeon. While showering, avoid any direct water to the ear.
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