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there are two sets of Accumulator and Flag registers. The Z80 CPU also contains a Stack Pointer, Program Counter, two index registers, a. Z80 CPU. User's Manual. 75. Z80 Instruction Set. Z80 Assembly Language The assembly language allows the user to write a program without concern Introduction, Arithmetic Programs, BCD AnthmeticMultipli- cation, Binary Division, Instruction Summary, Subroutines,. Summary. IV. THE Z80 INSTRUCTION SET. Z80 CPU Instruction Set datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Z80 CPU User's Manual 75 Z80 Instruction Set Z80 Assembly Language The assembly language allows the user to write a program without concern for memory The 280 instruction set contains all of the 8080 instruc- tions, plus a few more. It is usually claimed that the Z80 device has 158 different instructions, asIt uses symbolic addresses to identify memory locations and mnemonic codes (Op Codes and operands) to represent the instructions. Labels (symbols) are assigned It also allows operations on any bit in any location in memory. The following is a summary of the instruction set which shows the assembly language mnemonic,
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